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setup yet...

Get started now, and have access to increase your profitability in minutes!

+ClearCOGS and Toast

Bring Clarity to your Business

+ClearCOGS uses predictive analytics fueled by AI and machine learning to help restaurants increase their profitability.

Through the use of data that already exists in the Toast POS system as well as millions of other data points including location, weather, date, etc, +ClearCOGS creates highly accurate demand planning systems for restaurants.

Daily reports sent directly to your inbox.

+ClearCOGS is offering Toast customers free reports exclusively on Toast Partner Connect:

  • 86 Detection - Be aware when your restaurant runs out of product and see the exact cost of lost sales that resulted

  • Price Effects - Clarity on how a price change today affects customer demand over time.

  • Visibility Reporting - Let AI monitor your day-to-day numbers and keep you in the loop of significant changes.

Sign up for +ClearCOGS reports with just a few clicks, no onboarding!


Daily Menu Item Forecasts

In addition to these free reports, gain access to the advanced capabilities of +ClearCOGS Premium Forecasting 

We'll run our AI algorithm on millions of data points to determine exactly how many chicken tenders, greek salads, or tater tots you'll need to have ready the next day

Success Stories

for a Toast customer

In one month using +ClearCOGS and Toast, Breadless saw

40 hr

Labor Reduction


COGS Savings


Labor Savings


COGS Decrease

"With +ClearCOGS giving us good data it allows us to reduce potential waste, since we're prepping more accurate amounts of cheese, grains, or proteins. And it's a massive time-saver for our opening managers. Instead of having to do the math, they have at their fingertips the accurate numbers they need."

Jason Brys - Director of Operations at Breadless

Toast Exclusive Plans



86 Detection

Price Effects

Visibility Reporting

Access to future AI Implementations



$0.50 / mo

per location for first 3 months

Daily Menu Item Forecasting

Everything in Basic

Access to future AI Implementations

Want a custom solution? +ClearCOGS tailors AI Implementations to your operations, giving you ingredient level forecasting, labor and prep insights, and systemization at scale across large brands. 

Only available to mid-market or larger organizations.

  • I'm a Toast user. How do I sign up for +ClearCOGS?
    If you have Toast Partner Connect, you or your restaurant's admin can search for the +ClearCOGS tile. Click "Add Now" and "Confirm", and you're good to go! You'll start receiving +ClearCOGS emails immediately with no additional setup. For more details on adding Toast integrations, click here.
  • What is the set-up?
    There is no set-up! We made it as easy and simple as possible. Once you've added +ClearCOGS via the Toast Partner Connect, we connect to your data, run it through our machine-learning algorithms, and start sending you reports immediately.
  • I want to add my colleagues to get the +ClearCOGS reports as well. How do I do that?
    Just reply to any email you receive from with their names, emails, and the store names and we'll get them added for you!
  • I'm not a Toast User. Can I sign up for +ClearCOGS?
    As of right now, the +ClearCOGS reporting is exclusively available to Toast users. Our standard custom ClearCOGS system is still widely available to anyone else. Please book a meeting with a ClearCOGS rep to find a solution that meets your business needs.
  • What results or savings will I see with +ClearCOGS?
    ClearCOGS customers see an average of 1-3% increase in profit margins, up to $2500 in savings per month per location, and huge reductions in labor hours. To learn more about how we've helped customers, check out our Case Studies.
  • How do you make an apple turnover?
    Push it down hill!
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